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How to Intermittent Fast in Seven Ways

How to Intermittent Fast in Seven Ways

When you intermittently fast, you completely or partially skip meals for a predetermined period before starting to eat normally again.

According to several research, this eating style may promote weight loss, better health, and longer life. Intermittent fasting programs are said to be simpler to keep up with than conventional, calorie-restricted diets.

The experience of intermittent fasting varies from person to person, and different approaches will work for different people.

In this post, we cover the science behind the most well-liked forms of intermittent fasting and offer maintenance advice.

There are seven different methods of IF.
Intermittent fasting can be done in several ways, and different people will favor particular approaches. Discover seven distinct approaches to intermittent fasting in the next paragraphs.

1. 12 hours a day of fasting

People may respond better to different types of intermittent fasting.
This diet has straightforward guidelines. A person must choose and follow a 12-hour fasting window each day.

Some researchers claim that fasting for 10 to 16 hours can induce the body to use its fat reserves as fuel, releasing ketones into the bloodstream. This ought to promote weight loss.

For novices, this kind of intermittent fasting regimen might be a decent choice. This is so because the fasting window is so brief, the person can have the same quantity of calories every day, and most of the fasting happens while they sleep.

The simplest approach to completing the 12-hour fast is to include the time spent sleeping.

One can decide to abstain from food between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. They would have to finish dinner before 7 o’clock and wait until 7 a.m. to eat breakfast, but they would spend much of that time asleep.

2. Observing a 16-hour fast

The 16:8 approach, also known as the Leangains diet, involves fasting for 16 hours per day, followed by an 8-hour window for eating.

Men fast for 16 hours daily while women fast for 14 on the 16:8 diet. If you’ve tried the 12-hour fast before and didn’t experience any benefits, you might find this sort of intermittent fasting to be beneficial.

On this fast, folks often finish their evening meal by 8 p.m. and don’t eat again until midday the next day after skipping breakfast.

Even when mice consumed the same total amount of calories as mice that were allowed to eat whenever they pleased, a study on mice found that limiting the eating window to 8 hours protected them from obesity, inflammation, diabetes, and liver disease.

3. Observing a two-day weekly fast

The 5:2 diet involves eating normal-sized portions of wholesome food on 5 days and consuming fewer calories on the other 2 days.

3. Observing a two-day weekly fast

Men typically ingest 600 calories and women 500 calories each of the two fasting days.

Typically, people set aside specific days of the week for fasting. For instance, they might eat regularly the other days and fast on Monday and Thursday. Between each fasting day, there should be at least one non-fasting day.

The 5:2 diet, commonly referred to as the Fast diet, has received little research. According to a study conducted on 107 overweight or obese women, cutting calories twice a week and continuously did not result in significantly different weight reduction.

The study also discovered that this diet increased participants’ insulin sensitivity while lowering their insulin levels.

a quick analysis

Trusted Source examined the outcomes of this fasting regimen in 23 obese women. The women shed 4.8 percent of their body weight and 8.0 percent of their total body fat during a menstrual cycle. However, after 5 days of regular eating, these measurements went back to normal for the majority of the ladies.

4. Alternating days of fasting

The alternate-day fasting regimen, which calls for fasting every other day, comes in a variety of forms.

Alternate-day fasting can entail avoiding all solid foods on fasting days for some persons while allowing up to 500 calories for others. People frequently decide to eat as much as they want on feeding days.

one research

According to a dependable source, alternate-day fasting is beneficial for both healthy and overweight people’s weight loss and cardiovascular health. Over 12 weeks, the 32 individuals dropped an average of 5.2 kilograms (kg), or slightly over 11 pounds (lb).

Alternate day fasting is a particularly strict kind of intermittent fasting, hence it might not be appropriate for newcomers or people with particular medical concerns. Long-term maintenance of this kind of fasting could also be challenging.

5. A weekly fast of 24 hours

A person can drink teas and calorie-free beverages while following a 24-hour diet.
The Eat-Stop-Eat diet entails going without meals for 24 hours at a time on one or two days a week. Many people observe a fast from lunch to lunch or from breakfast to breakfast.

Those following this diet can consume calorie-free beverages including water, tea, and others while fasting.

On the days when there is no fasting, people should resume their regular eating habits. This type of eating reduces a person’s overall calorie intake without limiting the types of meals they consume.

A 24-hour fast can be difficult and can result in headaches, weariness, or anger. Many people discover that when their bodies become used to this new eating pattern, these effects gradually become less severe.

Before switching to the 24-hour fast, some people may find it helpful to try a 12- or 16-hour fast.

6. Skipping meals

Beginners may benefit from this flexible approach to intermittent fasting. It occasionally entails skipping meals.

Depending on how hungry they are or how much time they have, people can choose which meals to miss. However, it’s crucial to eat wholesome foods at every meal.

6. Skipping meals

Meal skipping is probably most successful when people pay attention to and act on their hunger cues. In essence, those who practice this form of intermittent fasting will eat only when they are truly hungry and forgo meals otherwise.

For some people, this may feel more natural than the other fasting techniques.

7. The Warrior Diet

A relatively extreme example of intermittent fasting is the Warrior Diet.

The Warrior Diet entails fasting for 20 hours, during which time only a few servings of raw fruit and vegetables are consumed, and then having one huge meal at night. Typically, the dining window lasts only four hours.

Those who have tried other types of intermittent fasting may benefit from this type of fasting the most.

The Warrior Diet’s proponents assert that since humans are nocturnal by nature, eating at night enables the body to absorb nutrients in harmony with its circadian rhythms.

People should be sure to eat a lot of veggies, proteins, and healthy fats during the 4-hour eating phase. They ought to contain some carbohydrates as well.

Even if some meals can be consumed throughout the fasting period, it can be difficult to adhere to the rigorous rules on when and what to eat over the long run. Additionally, some people find it difficult to consume such a substantial meal so close to tonight.

Additionally, there is a chance that those following this diet won’t get enough nutrients, like fiber. Cancer risk may rise as a result of this, which can also harm the immune system and digestive system.

Advice on how to continue an intermittent fast

Intermittent fasting may be made simpler with the help of yoga and gentle exercise.
Adhering to an intermittent fasting plan can be difficult.

Advice on how to continue an intermittent fast

The following pointers could aid individuals in maintaining their goals and maximizing the advantages of IF:

  • retaining fluids. Throughout the day, consume a lot of water and calorie-free beverages like herbal teas.
  • avoiding food obsession. On days when you’re not eating, schedule plenty of activities to keep your mind off food, including catching up on work or going to the movies.
  • snoozing and unwinding. On days when you’re fasting, stay away from the hard activity, however gentle exercise like yoga may be helpful.
  • counting every calorie. Choose nutrient-dense foods that are high in protein, fiber, and beneficial fats if the chosen plan permits some calories during fasting times. Beans, lentils, eggs, salmon, almonds, and avocado are a few examples.
  • eating a lot of food. Pick foods that are satisfying yet low in calories, such as popcorn, raw vegetables, and fruits with a lot of water, like melons and grapes.
  • enhancing the flavor without adding calories. Use plenty of garlic, herbs, spices, or vinegar to season food. These dishes have a tonne of flavor and very few calories, which can help people feel less hungry.
  • Following the fast, choose nutrient-dense foods. It helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels and avoid nutrient shortages to consume meals that are abundant in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. A well-balanced diet will also aid in losing weight and improving general health.


There are numerous ways to practice intermittent fasting, and no single strategy will be effective for everyone. The best outcomes will be obtained when people experiment with different styles to see which ones best suit their preferences and way of life.

Whatever the form of intermittent fasting, prolonged fasting while the body is unprepared might be harmful.

Not everyone should use these types of dieting. These methods could make someone prone to disordered eating’s bad relationship with food worse.

Before attempting any type of fasting, anyone with health issues such as diabetes should consult their doctor.

On days when you aren’t fasting, it’s crucial to eat a nutritious, balanced diet for the best outcomes. If necessary, a person might get expert advice to tailor an intermittent fasting diet and stay away from hazards.


Amelia is a content creator and marketer at where she develops resources to help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. Outside of work, she enjoys writing and tinkering on side projects.

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