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No Matter The Position these 6 Qualities Will help you land a Job

No Matter The Position these 6 Qualities Will help you land a Job

No matter your business or level of your career, you must demonstrate some distinctive skills if you want to get the job.

According to Liz Ryan, a Forbes contributor, “if you read the job ads, you’d believe employers are only seeking for people with very certain types of experience.” But “the whole picture changes once you’re at a job interview. Employers are looking for traits in new workers that aren’t mentioned in the job description.

What distinguishing features do they have? And how can you convey them through language and narrative? What you should think about is this:


Authenticity is the first and most crucial attribute for a job applicant. Other than your ability to be believed, nothing else counts. And to do that, you must have confidence in yourself and display the traits that would make you successful in your chosen career.

Senior recruiter Amanda Luthra says, “I want to learn more about the candidate personally, but I find there is frequently this wall, and people are not letting me see who they really are. This holds true for both traditional face-to-face interviews and internet communications. People need to reflect on who they are more and refrain from using formulaic responses.


A company called Harqen, which assists businesses with their hiring processes, evaluates job hopefuls using a positivity index that ranges from +5 to -5. You’ll score well if you utilise phrases like “totally,” “astonishing,” and “loving.” You’ll be at the bottom of the positive scale if you use words like “awful.”

So do your study and be prepared to discuss your favourite aspects of the organisation, its culture, and the position you are looking for with the interviewer. Even asking the hiring manager or recruiter what she appreciates about the business will increase the good energy. Also, be sure to highlight how great your current employer and job are. Nobody desires to work with a complainer.


A crucial attribute for job seekers is confidence. Although we tend to think of confidence as stemming from “smarts,” for a job seeker, it actually comes from preparation and focus.

When you are focused in your job hunt, you will come off as confident because you are aware that you and this role are a good fit. Therefore, only apply for jobs where you believe you would be a good fit. You will exhibit uncertainty if you are unsure that this is the proper role for you.

Prior to interviews, thorough preparation is another factor that boosts confidence. Perform a job and company research. Determine what makes you an outstanding applicant for the position. Once you’ve written down your talking points, polish them, practise them, and internalise them, that’s the secret. In the interview, you won’t second-guess yourself because you will be fully prepared with your story in mind.

See Also : The Top 12 Tips for Personality Development


In order to be successful, job seekers must be passionate. People who energise us—those who are positive and enthusiastic—draw us to them. Talk about your desire to further your career, make a positive impact on the world, and thrive at the position you’re looking for and the chance it presents to demonstrate your enthusiasm. Be enthusiastic about the firm you are interviewing with.

Use terms that evoke passion and a keen interest in your writing. Put phrases like “I am excited to contribute,” “I have always been interested in…,” “The team interviewing me would be fun to work with,” “I would like to add value and boost engagement,” and “I will eagerly anticipate further steps” in your responses.

Body language is crucial for conveying passion. Make strong eye contact, a pleasant facial expression, an internal smile, and open, lively gestures. Sync up your body with the interviewer’s. Don’t slouch in your chair or turn away. Keep your stature and remain tall.


If you want to impress a potential employer, you must highlight your accomplishments. Don’t just list your previous positions; also describe the influence you had in them. Describe how you led a team to success, how you overcame adversity, and how you proved to the new company that you are the capable leader they will be searching for.

Consider two or three examples of your effect as you get ready for your interviews. Practice making them engaging and fluid. Include sales figures, staff sizes, and financial results in your story, as well as other solid numbers that demonstrate your effect.

Don’t be embarrassed to brag about your accomplishments, but be sure to stress that the victories you mention involved a team effort. Avoid using “I,” “my,” and “my” too frequently.


Gratitude is the final requirement for job applicants. I have assisted numerous people in landing their dream jobs. And I would make an extra effort to assist anyone who had thanked me. But not everyone is like that.

Therefore, thank everybody who aids you in your job search in writing. The ideal is a handwritten note, but a heartfelt, grateful email will do. Write to anyone who has offered advice, including people you’ve met through networking or who you’ve interviewed. Even businesses that have declined need a response. Who knows? They might change their mind or come to you the next time.


Amelia is a content creator and marketer at where she develops resources to help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. Outside of work, she enjoys writing and tinkering on side projects.

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